How to Clean A Refrigerator The Right Way.

Why let germs breed comfortably in the same space where you store edible substances? We bet you’ve been doing things wrongly but after reading this piece, you are going to clean a refrigerator in a more effective and hygienic manner. The cleaning of a refrigerator regardless of its size or how much cleaning it needs has 3 phases. Now follow through attentively.
Phase 1: Before Cleaning
Turn off your refrigerator from the power source to prevent electrocution during the cleaning process. You must still do this even if you do not have power supply at the time of cleaning the appliance; it’s better safe than sorry. Move on to remove all items in the fridge including the compartments/drawers/shelves or whatever you choose to call them. Dispose of the stale food or spoilt items and keep the good ones nicely to preserve them while the cleaning is ongoing. Gather your cleaning materials together to prevent you from moving around and causing further dirts to your kitchen. Your cleaning materials should include warm soapy water, clean fabric (preferably towels), water, and optional materials like baking soda, vinegar or bleach.
Phase II: The Cleaning
Begin by washing the detachable compartments of the fridge with soapy warm water. Add some bleach to disinfect it as well. After washing, rinse them under a clean flowing water then place them in a position that makes room for the water to drain off. Repeat the same process when cleaning the fridge. Here you are to concentrate on the interior first before moving on to the door and body. Use your baking soda to remove tough stains and be careful to avoid leaving scratches on the body of your fridge.
Clean up every soap residue and disinfect the interior. Once this is done, take your clean fabric (towel) and wipe it dry. Wipe it till every dropplet of water is gone. You must also clean the containers used to store up your food else they are bound to stain your fridge that has just been cleaned.
Phase III: After Cleaning
Once everything is dry, you can start arranging things back there. Have dedicated spots for specific items. For example, store soups, stew, and other cooked items is a section, water and drinks can be in another compartment while packaged stuff can stay in other sections. Trust you get that. With everything all set, you can now turn on your fridge for it to get chilled again. However, if you do not have power supply after cleaning up your fridge you shouldn’t restock your fridge with your edible items except they are still very frozen and the power will soon be restored.
Apart from cleaning a refrigerator, many more actions must be implemented to ensure it has a long life span. Invite a professional to routinely check your refrigerator, also do not hesitate to complain if you notice any unusual behaviour as the appliance is in use. It will do you more good if you learn about common refrigerator problems and how to handle them at home (by yourself). Would you love to buy a fairly used fridge? You can get quality and affordable ones on