Top 5 tips to know before buying a used smartphone

Before buying a used smartphone, read this article till the end in order to save yourself from a costly mistake.
Many will tell you that the joy of acquiring a brand-new smartphone cannot be compared to acquiring a used smartphone which is true. Still, I would like to remind you that buying a new smartphone is more expensive than buying a used smartphone which turns out to be a better option most times because you end up saving some cash that can be used for other things.
However here are the top 5 tips to be considered before buying a used smartphone
Thorough physical inspection: This can also be termed the phone's physical condition. The number one thing to be considered when about to acquire a used phone is the physical condition of the phone, the way it has been used, if there is any scratch on the body, if the phone screen is still intact or it has broken, check if the screen touch is still responsive, the camera should also be tested, check the ports of the phone if they are all in perfect condition just to make sure that what you are about to buy is in good condition and not what you will buy and start spending extra money on repairs.
Buying at the right time: Yes there are right and wrong times to buy used phones. If you are someone who has a plan of getting the latest model of a particular phone model but does not have enough financial capacity, the most appropriate time to buy the used version of the phone is when a new model has been manufactured and released. Because at this point those who have bought the previous model earlier will want to sell at a lower price in order to buy the latest model which will be more expensive. I’m sure you will be able to relate this to what happened with the iPhone 11 pro max when iPhone 12 was released.
Battery health: The battery is one of the most important parts of a phone and which is mostly affected after the phone has been used for a period of time. One of the challenges with buying a used phone is battery health but the good news is that the battery health of phones like iPhones battery health can easily be checked, the same as Android phones.
So before buying your used phone make sure you check the battery health whether it is iPhone or Android.
Price research and comparison: Knowing the current price rate of your choosing smartphone is important although the price of used phones varies very well compared to new phones there is still some highly recommended websites, eBay,
You can easily get the price range from these websites with the assurance that you are buying from a safe buyer, especially on a
Receipt/ Proof of purchase: In order to avoid buying a stolen device, it is important you ask your seller for the original receipt of the used smartphone and not only the used smartphone, but any other used material make sure you ask for the original receipt to ascertain and be sure you are not buying a stolen product.
Because buying a stolen used smartphone for example might come with consequences that might not end well.