Zinox Kids Legacy Pro Tablet


Kid legacy tab Pro is fully loaded with the amazing features of its predecessor, with enhanced storage capacity and the inclusion of a multi-functional SIM card slot.

The processor of the Kids Legacy Tab Pro boasts speeds of 1.3GHz assured computing power.

Preloaded with fun and educational applications for kids, the Kids Legacy Tab Pro allows for direct connectivity to the internet via a 3G enabled SIM Card with data.

Parents or Care givers who are also looking to monitor and check in on their kids and wards can use this device to monitor them while they are away for pleasure or for business. Your child and ward is only a call away with the Kids Legacy Tab Pro.

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Zinox Kids Legacy Pro Tablet

By Plantom Telecoms

(Joined Selloff since: 2 years ago)

2 years ago


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Shop Location Ibadan, Oyo, Nigeria

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