Moving To A New House? Let's Help You Shop Secondhand.

One of the great things about moving to a new house is all that space that you can get creative with. However, we cannot deny that it can get overwhelming with so many questions running through your mind. How do I fill up this space? Where do I get the things I need? Where do the things I already have fit in? How do I design and decorate the space? What brand new items should I buy and which should I get as a secondhand item? You might think it won't be that challenging because you could simply carry over the design of the house you’ve recently left. But that's not putting in mind that because it is a new space, you want something new and since it’s a new space, it might force you to choose a new design based on the setup.
The biggest challenge, however, could be how to afford all that you need to make your new home liveable and beautiful. Luckily, you don't have to empty your savings to furnish your new home and this is where shopping secondhand comes in. But to shop secondhand is not a walk in the park; it takes time and effort. Hopefully, this guide will help you when you shop secondhand for your new home.
Take An Inventory Of What You Want To Keep From The Old House
Yes, you should think about decorating the new house differently from the old but that doesn't mean you should do away with everything you had from the old apartment. There are still useful and lovely items you could keep.
Take An Inventory Of What You Need At The New House
After you have decided on what to keep from the old house, make a list and then, make a separate list of what you need at your new house. The list would have to be separated into the things to buy new and those to buy secondhand. While you can shop secondhand for certain things, there are other things you should buy as brand new. Items such as mattresses, pillows and beddings, kitchen utensils except for the electrical appliances, upholstered couches and any other item isn't durable or clean. On the other hand, items you can buy secondhand include leather furniture, solid wood furniture, electrical appliances, lamps, decor, toys, vintage rugs, DIY hardware, gym equipment, sporting equipment and laundry equipment amongst others.
Be Flexible
Flexibility is very important when you want to shop secondhand because the chances of getting exactly what you want are slim. You can decide you want a dining set; however, you shouldn't be rigid about the shape or design of the set you want because that will frustrate you a bit. Your list should simply guide your shopping, so you can plan your budget and check out items, but make sure to keep an open mind. Thrift shopping is largely about keeping an open mind because you don't know the gems you might find.
Go For Quality And Clean Items
Even though the idea of thrift shopping is to save money, but it could also be to get vintage items, so make sure not to put price over quality. This is why you need a lot of patience to shop secondhand. Don't impatiently go for a low-quality product and don't go for one because you think it is very cheap. If you are buying a used item, you might as well buy the best you can find. Take your time and inspect every product to make sure it is not broken, torn, worn out, spoilt, or dirty beyond repair.
Safety First
When you have to meet with sellers, please, stay safe. Don't agree to meet anybody in their house for items that can be easily transported. For items like furniture and heavy electronics, go with others.
Finally, you can find secondhand items for your home from online stores (Facebook marketplace, classified ads platforms e.t.c), on the streets (some sellers display their used items for sale there), or at the regular market. You can also get some from friends and family as well as previous owners/tenants of an apartment you are about to occupy. Remember to shop quality; that's the only way you will enjoy secondhand items. Do you have any other tips to shop secondhand for a new home? Let us know in the comment section.