Cleaning and Disinfecting Products for Every Household.

Since the Coronavirus outbreak, isn’t it funny how many households suddenly stepped up their level of hygiene? Cleaning and disinfecting your homes, especially high-touch surface areas shouldn’t be an activity done whenever you feel like, or once in a blue moon. In fact, it should be done at least weekly, and daily for certain vital areas. While you have been trying to disinfect your home and live a more hygienic lifestyle, it is important to know if you’ve been using the right disinfecting products.
If you are as curious as me, your next question will be, ‘are their right and wrong disinfecting products? And, what makes a disinfecting product the right choice for my household?’ Keep reading along to get answers to your questions. Before we dive any further, here are some of the essential areas in your home that requires regular disinfection. They include toilets, and water closet handles, drainage systems, doorknobs, stair railing, bathroom, floors, fridge doors, shelf handles, microwave/oven buttons, electric cooker knobs, taps, remote controls, tech gadgets, and more. The following are a few cleaning and disinfecting products every household should be using.
Disinfecting Spray
When using disinfecting sprays, there are a few things you should bear in mind. Many of this type of products are produced with chemicals that are toxic when inhaled or when in contact with the human skin. For this reason, always use a face mask to prevent you from inhaling the substance while in use. Also, put on rubber gloves that are solely meant for the act of cleaning and disinfection. The most appropriate way to use a disinfecting spray is to spray the content into a clean towel set apart for the sole purpose of cleaning; then, use the fabric to wipe the identified surfaces.
Cleaning Wipes
Typically, many ladies use baby wipes to clean off their makeup or other surfaces. However, most baby wipes do not necessarily have the ability to thoroughly disinfect surfaces. To make this product suitable for household cleaning and disinfection, you can simply pour some concentrated bleach into a cup of water. Mix it together then gently pour it into your pack of baby wipes without spilling it all over the place. One this is done, cover the wipes for at least an hour; this allows all the wipes to soak up the liquid. Now your baby wipes are ready to be used as a disinfectant. In addition, this type of wipes can be used to replace your disinfecting spray; it is as effective and even comes with a nice fragrance. You should also know that your wipes should be properly disposed of immediately after use. Do not wash or reuse them, and never flush any type of wipes in the toilet.
Laundry Disinfectants
While we walk around during this period and beyond, you can’t absolutely be sure of which areas your clothes have come in contact with. For this reason, after each wear, clothes must be set aside to be properly washed with a disinfected washing solution. When choosing laundry disinfecting products, consider its effect on your skin and on the fabric. We bet you don’t want to experience itching, rashes, or your clothes fading away. They must also have a pleasant fragrance.
Dishwash Soap
For your kitchen utensils, your choice of dishwashing solution must contain antibacterial ingredients. Most dish wash soaps don’t contain this, so make sure you confirm before buying one. However, some other home remedies for disinfecting your dishes include the use of hot water to wash your dishes, the use of a washing net which dries fast and is frequently sanitised. Also, with the use of laundry disinfectants, regularly wash the cloth used for cleaning dishes.
Hand Sanitisers
This product is most like the most commonly used in many Nigerian homes. Hand sanitisers can be used to clean your hands every now and then, so as to disinfect and prevent you from spreading germs to surfaces you come in contact with. The most preferable type of hand sanitiser is the alcohol-based one. You must be reminded that sanitising your hands doesn’t replace proper handwashing as the latter is a sure way of eliminating various types of germs. Furthermore, never dry your hands with a cloth after using a hand sanitiser; the solution is made to dry up by itself within a few minutes after use.
As a result of the Coronavirus pandemic, most stores and homes might constantly run out of disinfecting products faster. Do you know you can learn how to make them yourself? With the use of YouTube and other digital platforms, learn how to make effective cleaning and disinfecting solutions from DIY channels. If you do make some for your household, never sell it out commercially without going through the appropriate procedures and checks by necessary authorities. Stay safe and well, the team cares about your health.