Secrets for Making Your New Air Conditioner Last Longer.

Secrets for Making Your New Air Conditioner Last Longer.

As at the time of putting together this article, the average global temperature on Earth has increased by a little more than 1° Celsius  (2° Fahrenheit) since 1880. This increase in temperature is majorly caused by human activities and carelessness which we hope everyone is intentionally working towards adjusting. On extremely hot days, a functional air conditioner is a lifesaver.

When purchasing an air conditioner, do not be too attracted to brand names. Instead, take note of its efficiency, power consumption, size, as well as its other innovative features. With power-saving air conditioners, more people are steadily acquiring these appliances without worrying about how much power they are consuming. For the purpose of this article, we’ll like to assume that you have purchased a new air conditioner that works perfectly and has no issues. But how do you care for it to ensure it stands the test of time? Here are a few tips to help you.

Turn it Off When it’s Not in Use

This is probably the easiest tip on the list. With the epileptic electricity situation in the country, you do not want your new air conditioner destroyed by high or low voltage. Turn it off from the main switch and if you are using a generator or inverter, always close the blade of the AC before you change over to other power sources.

Use Surge Protectors

If there’s a power surge, your air conditioner is one of those house appliances that can easily be damaged as a result if its numerous electronic components.  Your new air conditioner can be saved from such situations if it is used with a good surge protector. With a surge protector, the wear and damage of your air conditioning system can be prevented as it has the ability to insulate the system from unexpected electrical fluctuations.

Prioritise Servicing Your Air Condition

Here’s an advice from a veteran air conditioner technician, he says that residential air conditioners should be serviced twice a year i.e. before the start of the heating season and just before the raining season begins. While this appliance does so much work during the hot season, servicing it in preparation for the cool season makes a lot of sense if you want to have an air conditioner that functions properly all-year-round. When serviced, your technicians get to check for gas leakages and refill. He/she should assess the compressors, electrical connections, heat exchangers, fan blades, and even lubricate the motors. The cost of this periodic maintenance checks is still a lot cheaper than having to fix or replace a damaged air conditioner.

Clean Your Condenser Coil and Air Channels Frequently

Your new air conditioner can keep working effectively if the condenser coil is properly cleaned up. If this is not done, they can get obstructed by dirt and other debris. In addition, rodents are quick to get into air channels which damages the air conditioner and releases unhealthy air into the atmosphere.  

Get Consistent Professional Assistance 

The routine checks and maintenance of your new air conditioner shouldn’t be carried out by just any technician available. It is counterproductive when you hire different technicians to work on your air conditioner each time. Having a consistent professional work on your air conditioner reduces the risk of things getting out of hand. If a fault occurs or parts of your appliance goes missing, its a lot easier to trace it a single technician. Getting an air conditioner professional who absolutely understands the make of your air conditioner cannot be over-emphasised.

To purchase a new or fairly used air conditioner which is both functional and affordable, head right on to or connect with one of our customer success representatives.