Major Things To Check Before Buying A Used Generator in Nigeria.

In Nigeria, if you don’t have a generator, it is almost like an anomaly. While this is not an article to speak about the lack or inadequate power supply in the country, we cannot deny that having a generator is not a luxury in Nigeria, but a necessity. However, sometimes your budget might not cover the kind of generator you want to or should buy based on the kind of equipment or gadgets you have in your home. In this case, buying a used generator will be your best bet instead of buying a new one whose load limit is lesser than what you need. Furthermore, we cannot deny that used items can be more problematic than new ones, especially if you don’t know what to look out for before buying. Except one wants to end up with scraps for a used generator, there are certain things you need to check before buying a used generator in Nigeria.
What are the things to check before buying a used generator in Nigeria?
A Reputable Dealer
One of the first things to check before buying a used generator in Nigeria is the reputation of the dealer. You can buy most things from any random seller, but buying a used generator like buying a used car is much more technical. While we don’t always experience the ideal situation, we can try to reduce risk by going for the best option. You should check how long the dealer has been into the business, and what they are known for. If you can get reviews from others who have bought from them, that would be great. That’s why the best way to find a dealer to buy a used generator from is through a recommendation from someone you trust. Alternatively, get a generator engineer or someone who is knowledgeable about generators to go with you; they will know the right questions to ask and the right parts to check.
Duration of Usage
It would be great to know the age of the generator. Generators are not like a fine wine that gets better with time; they are like cars that wear out with time. Therefore, the longer a generator has been used, the more worn out it likely is. However, sometimes, maintenance and the use of the generator can make a world of difference. But since we are working with averages here, you should ask the dealer for how long the generator has been used for before making a decision. Note, however, that the dealer might not know this detail because of how they get their products, so you might want to trust the expertise of the dealer on the capacity of the generators; which takes us back to the reputation of the dealer.
Model And Manufacturer
Even if you want to take the risk of buying an unknown brand for a new generator, you shouldn’t take that risk with a used generator; you want to buy a generator that can guarantee durability. No matter how cheap they come, you shouldn’t even consider buying an unknown brand. Sumec Firman, Elepaq, Thermocool products are great options for household generators and brands like Mikano and Caterpillar are great for heavy-duty generators.
Load Testing
A load test is a standard test carried out on generators to determine how the generator responds to varying loads as well as the electric power output of the generator. Basically, this test is to determine the efficiency and general wellbeing of the generator and the dealer should have done it prior but you should also ask that it be carried out in your presence to be double sure.
Although the dealer might not know how the previous owner maintained the generator, you can ask how the dealer has been able to maintain it since it was gotten. Ask questions about their procedures so you can check their knowledge and attitude to maintenance. You can also check for wear and tears on the generator. Of course, a used generator will not look like a new one but it shouldn’t look like it belongs in the garbage. Another thing you need to watch out for is if the generator has certain parts or not and how effective they are. For instance, it is better to buy a generator with a copper coil instead of an aluminium coil because the copper coil is a better conductor of electricity and it also reduces loading losses in generators.
Getting a new generator is tricky not to mention a used one. Hopefully, this list of the things to check before buying a used generator in Nigeria will help. But it might be more effective to go to the dealer with a generator engineer or someone knowledgeable because buying a generator requires a lot of technical knowledge.