
NGN Choose your preferred Currency USD ($) GBP (£) GHS (GH¢) KES (KSh) ZAR (R) TZS (TSh) UGX (USh) XAF (CFA) XOF (CFA) RWF (R₣) DIM FRANKLIN Store Home → Your Account A Dashboard Purchases Logout Search What are you looking for? Flowers Search BIRTH WITHOUT INJURIES D DIM FRANKLIN BIRTH WITHOUT INJURIES (How To Give Birth Naturally Without Episiotomy or Vaginal Tear) Revealing Two Most Important Things You Must Do Back Home And Other Two To Do At Your Next And Last Visit To The Hospital And You'll Be So Sure To Push Out Your Baby Easily Without Cuts, Tear Or Episiotomy NOT LESS THAN 58,000 NIGERIAN PREGNANT WOMEN LOSE THEIR LIVES YEARLY TO CHILDBIRTH AND PREGNANCY RELATED CAUSES Are you pregnant, about to conceive or of child bearing age? Then you need to know these important facts to better prepare against unfortunate times during delivery: In Nigeria, chances are quite high that a woman will have a tear or get an episiotomy whether or not it's her first childbirth, and whether or not she has had it previously. A lady commented on one of my posts not too long ago and said: “…THEY have succeeded in giving me episiotomy two consecutive times in my two childbirths. I just pray I retain my pride and confidence as a woman and wife.” To this lady, the nurses and midwives are to be blamed for her situation. Thus she wrote: "THEY have succeeded in giving me episiotomy two consecutive times...". The truth is, if you don't know and do your part well to prepare you may still get injuries though the nurses and the midwives should try their best. Another lady still wrote this one that aches my heart each time I remember it: 3 REASONS GIVING BIRTH IN NIGERIA IS RISKY #1. SHORTAGE OF WORKERS With a few hands on ground and a long queue of pregnant women waiting to be attended to, the available nurses and midwives have to do whatever is convenient to still meet up. Thus, giving you an episiotomy with a sharp blade would be an easier option for them while you bear the damages. Sometimes the only staff on ground is the one that lacks experience as to what exactly needs to be done. Isn’t that enough reason you should try to know what to expect so you can tell when they are playing games with your life and stop them? Of course, a major reason for shortage of workers is that the hospital wants to pay few workers to possibly still make more profit. That's for private owned facilities. Then, for government hospitals, it is mostly that the staff are not often at their duty post. #2. LACK OF SPACE FACILITY In most maternity centres where space is lacking the nurses and midwives are also left with no better option than that which saves time and space, so they can quickly discharge you to attend to others. As a result, they don't exercise the patience to see you deliver naturally and safely. And even after giving the episiotomy, most of the times, there are no materials readily on ground to repair the wound. Worse also is that the right person to do the suturing may not even be available. That further exposes the woman to more danger of infection and other complications. Episiotomy; cutting mother's vagina to facilitate childbirth. #3. LACK OF EQUIPMENT This is another big issue – either that the equipment is not available or that the available one is not functional. Why on earth will a hospital know they aren’t ready, yet they are admitting patients – to waste two lives (mother and child). Isn’t that a death trap? I was reading an article the other time on the website of the NIGERIAN HEALTH WATCH, and it was about a man that the wife gave birth with injuries and the hospital didn’t have this common drug to control the bleeding. By the time the man returned from where he went to check for the drug, the wife had passed on. The worse part was that the man left the matter to go like that because he felt that even if he should take a legal action, it will still be both waste of time and resources. But he could have tried! So, it shouldn’t be a surprise why Nigeria is among the top 4 countries with the highest maternal death estimated at 58,000 yearly, and about 150 daily. These are women dying only from childbirth cases. Most people working in the hospitals have seen a number of people die that the thought of the next person dying doesn’t move them at all. HOW A HIGH RATED HOSPITAL ALMOST POISONED ME AND MY FIRST BABY I will never forget in my first pregnancy back in 2016 how my husband warned me never to use any drug they would give me at antenatal until he had seen it and confirmed that it was okay. He is a manager in a pharmacy company, so I believed he knew what he was talking about. Then one Tuesday I went for antenatal and they gave me one antimalarial medication. I quickly called my husband if I should go ahead and take it since he wasn’t going to return home early. But he insisted I don’t. Finally, he returned and looked at the drug and was like, “This batch of the drug has already expired since 2014”. This is now 2016 and the expiration date on the drug reads 2019. You can imagine! I didn’t believe until he brought it out from the pack and it was clear that they had cut off the part they wrote the expiration date on the Sachet. The next morning, he went to his office and got the current batch of the drug that hasn’t expired and showed me. Then, by Thursday that same week, he went with me to the hospital to confront them. And trust my husband, he first came in calmly as though he was making enquiry, but he was recording the moment. When everything was now obvious, they started begging, saying it was the guy that supplied them the drug that played that fast one on them. It’s just that I begged him to forgo, otherwise, the hospital would had faced being shut down. But what touched me most that day was a woman we met at the entrance of the hospital who was already leaving, and seeing she had the hospital bag, I approached her to see if they gave her that same expired drug. And right there was the same expired drug in her bag. I finished telling her why we came and she ignored us and left with the drug. I wonder what she was thinking. Except God had intervened, the life of that woman or her child or both would have been endangered. Likewise many others who got the expired drug before we came to stop the hospital from giving it out. So we are not just talking about lacking the necessary drugs or apparatus, but how sound such are if available. You now see why most of your leaders would travel out to get their health needs. You may not have such money and privilege to do like them, but there is something you can comfortably do that works perfectly. It’s indeed a thing of joy if you are pregnant and should be celebrated. But the celebration will not be complete if anything should go wrong at the later part of childbirth. It is vital for each upcoming mum to be ready and take charge from the early stage of pregnancy. If that isn’t done, it could end up in trying to choose between the mother’s life and that of the baby – either the mother dying or the baby dying. Why should that be the case when both (the mother and the baby) could have lived? So, there’s actually a war, but you can win! Knowing what the battle entails is already half way the victory as that will help you get better prepared. FACT... Everybody agrees that the greatest job any woman has with pregnancy is not about ‘Getting Pregnant’ It is about ‘Giving Birth’... That’s why it gives the most concern when that time starts approaching. I have found that it’s very natural to be afraid of a definite task ahead when you know you aren’t prepared (or prepared enough) for the task. You'll hear people say that the worse pain for any woman to go through is childbirth. That is very true, and the reason is simply that many don't prepare for it. So, there's every reason to have ‘tokophobia’ – the fear associated with childbirth. But childbirth can be easy! Isn’t it reasonable to think that if there are people who have had it easy with childbirth, then others can learn their secrets so they can enjoy the same? So, the question now is, how do one find out their secrets? That is what we are here to learn. When you know the exact thing to do, you will prepare better without wasting time and effort in trial and error. And the better you prepare for childbirth the more your confidence grows as your EDD approaches. Remember, we are talking about important facts you need to know. And the first I mentioned is that: ...Chances Are Quite High That A Woman Will Have A Tear Or Get An Episiotomy Whether Or Not It's Her First Childbirth, And Whether Or Not She Has Had It Previously I also told you that over 50,000 pregnant women in Nigeria lose their lives yearly to childbirth complications, making the Country one of the most dangerous places in the world to give birth. In fact, I will be surprised if you haven’t heard of anybody you know that has been a victim. So here is a summary of the joint report by W.H.O, UNICEF and World Bank. It revealed that in 2015 alone 58,000 Nigerian women lost their lives to childbirth and pregnancy related causes. To clear any doubt, here is the breakdown. "Every single day, Nigeria loses about 145 women of childbearing age, making her the second largest contributor to the maternal mortality rate in the world, according to UNICEF". PURCHASE THIS COURSE NOW Birth Without Injuries – Your Guide to a Safer Birth Experience! Unlock a world of knowledge and empowerment with "Birth Without Injuries." This course is your companion on the journey to a safer and more positive childbirth. Make informed decisions tailored to your preferences and well-being. "Birth Without Injuries" equips you with strategies to navigate labor and delivery confidently. This course offers evidence-based guidance, covering everything from pain management to effective communication with healthcare providers. Embrace a holistic understanding of childbirth, addressing both physical and emotional aspects. Prepare yourself for the transformative experience ahead. Gain inspiration from real women who have achieved injury-free births. Their stories will motivate you to embrace your unique journey. Elevate your childbirth experience today! Order "Birth Without Injuries" and step into a world of safer, more empowered birthing. This course has all the approaches in avoiding EPISIOTOMY and VAGINAL TEAR. Buy this course today to avoid Injuries during birth and promote safe deliveries today. This course is just for 10,000 naira and will only be available on that price for the first 20 people, then it will go back to its original price. Remember, your birth story is worth celebrating – let "Birth Without Injuries" guide you toward a safer and more joyous experience. Embrace the journey with confidence! More details → ₦ 10,000Buy now More Details BIRTH WITHOUT INJURIES (How To Give Birth Naturally Without Episiotomy or Vaginal Tear) Revealing Two Most Important Things You Must Do Back Home And Other Two To Do At Your Next And Last Visit To The Hospital And You'll Be So Sure To Push Out Your Baby Easily Without Cuts, Tear Or Episiotomy NOT LESS THAN 58,000 NIGERIAN PREGNANT WOMEN LOSE THEIR LIVES YEARLY TO CHILDBIRTH AND PREGNANCY RELATED CAUSES Are you pregnant, about to conceive or of child bearing age? Then you need to know these important facts to better prepare against unfortunate times during delivery: In Nigeria, chances are quite high that a woman will have a tear or get an episiotomy whether or not it's her first childbirth, and whether or not she has had it previously. A lady commented on one of my posts not too long ago and said: “…THEY have succeeded in giving me episiotomy two consecutive times in my two childbirths. I just pray I retain my pride and confidence as a woman and wife.” To this lady, the nurses and midwives are to be blamed for her situation. Thus she wrote: "THEY have succeeded in giving me episiotomy two consecutive times...". The truth is, if you don't know and do your part well to prepare you may still get injuries though the nurses and the midwives should try their best.NGN Choose your preferred Currency USD ($) GBP (£) GHS (GH¢) KES (KSh) ZAR (R) TZS (TSh) UGX (USh) XAF (CFA) XOF (CFA) RWF (R₣) DIM FRANKLIN Store Home → Your Account A Dashboard Purchases Logout Search What are you looking for? Flowers Search BIRTH WITHOUT INJURIES D DIM FRANKLIN BIRTH WITHOUT INJURIES (How To Give Birth Naturally Without Episiotomy or Vaginal Tear) Revealing Two Most Important Things You Must Do Back Home And Other Two To Do At Your Next And Last Visit To The Hospital And You'll Be So Sure To Push Out Your Baby Easily Without Cuts, Tear Or Episiotomy NOT LESS THAN 58,000 NIGERIAN PREGNANT WOMEN LOSE THEIR LIVES YEARLY TO CHILDBIRTH AND PREGNANCY RELATED CAUSES Are you pregnant, about to conceive or of child bearing age? Then you need to know these important facts to better prepare against unfortunate times during delivery: In Nigeria, chances are quite high that a woman will have a tear or get an episiotomy whether or not it's her first childbirth, and whether or not she has had it previously. A lady commented on one of my posts not too long ago and said: “…THEY have succeeded in giving me episiotomy two consecutive times in my two childbirths. I just pray I retain my pride and confidence as a woman and wife.” To this lady, the nurses and midwives are to be blamed for her situation. Thus she wrote: "THEY have succeeded in giving me episiotomy two consecutive times...". The truth is, if you don't know and do your part well to prepare you may still get injuries though the nurses and the midwives should try their best. Another lady still wrote this one that aches my heart each time I remember it: 3 REASONS GIVING BIRTH IN NIGERIA IS RISKY #1. SHORTAGE OF WORKERS With a few hands on ground and a long queue of pregnant women waiting to be attended to, the available nurses and midwives have to do whatever is convenient to still meet up. Thus, giving you an episiotomy with a sharp blade would be an easier option for them while you bear the damages. Sometimes the only staff on ground is the one that lacks experience as to what exactly needs to be done. Isn’t that enough reason you should try to know what to expect so you can tell when they are playing games with your life and stop them? Of course, a major reason for shortage of workers is that the hospital wants to pay few workers to possibly still make more profit. That's for private owned facilities. Then, for government hospitals, it is mostly that the staff are not often at their duty post. #2. LACK OF SPACE FACILITY In most maternity centres where space is lacking the nurses and midwives are also left with no better option than that which saves time and space, so they can quickly discharge you to attend to others. As a result, they don't exercise the patience to see you deliver naturally and safely. And even after giving the episiotomy, most of the times, there are no materials readily on ground to repair the wound. Worse also is that the right person to do the suturing may not even be available. That further exposes the woman to more danger of infection and other complications. Episiotomy; cutting mother's vagina to facilitate childbirth. #3. LACK OF EQUIPMENT This is another big issue – either that the equipment is not available or that the available one is not functional. Why on earth will a hospital know they aren’t ready, yet they are admitting patients – to waste two lives (mother and child). Isn’t that a death trap? I was reading an article the other time on the website of the NIGERIAN HEALTH WATCH, and it was about a man that the wife gave birth with injuries and the hospital didn’t have this common drug to control the bleeding. By the time the man returned from where he went to check for the drug, the wife had passed on. The worse part was that the man left the matter to go like that because he felt that even if he should take a legal action, it will still be both waste of time and resources. But he could have tried! So, it shouldn’t be a surprise why Nigeria is among the top 4 countries with the highest maternal death estimated at 58,000 yearly, and about 150 daily. These are women dying only from childbirth cases. Most people working in the hospitals have seen a number of people die that the thought of the next person dying doesn’t move them at all. HOW A HIGH RATED HOSPITAL ALMOST POISONED ME AND MY FIRST BABY I will never forget in my first pregnancy back in 2016 how my husband warned me never to use any drug they would give me at antenatal until he had seen it and confirmed that it was okay. He is a manager in a pharmacy company, so I believed he knew what he was talking about. Then one Tuesday I went for antenatal and they gave me one antimalarial medication. I quickly called my husband if I should go ahead and take it since he wasn’t going to return home early. But he insisted I don’t. Finally, he returned and looked at the drug and was like, “This batch of the drug has already expired since 2014”. This is now 2016 and the expiration date on the drug reads 2019. You can imagine! I didn’t believe until he brought it out from the pack and it was clear that they had cut off the part they wrote the expiration date on the Sachet. The next morning, he went to his office and got the current batch of the drug that hasn’t expired and showed me. Then, by Thursday that same week, he went with me to the hospital to confront them. And trust my husband, he first came in calmly as though he was making enquiry, but he was recording the moment. When everything was now obvious, they started begging, saying it was the guy that supplied them the drug that played that fast one on them. It’s just that I begged him to forgo, otherwise, the hospital would had faced being shut down. But what touched me most that day was a woman we met at the entrance of the hospital who was already leaving, and seeing she had the hospital bag, I approached her to see if they gave her that same expired drug. And right there was the same expired drug in her bag. I finished telling her why we came and she ignored us and left with the drug. I wonder what she was thinking. Except God had intervened, the life of that woman or her child or both would have been endangered. Likewise many others who got the expired drug before we came to stop the hospital from giving it out. So we are not just talking about lacking the necessary drugs or apparatus, but how sound such are if available. You now see why most of your leaders would travel out to get their health needs. You may not have such money and privilege to do like them, but there is something you can comfortably do that works perfectly. It’s indeed a thing of joy if you are pregnant and should be celebrated. But the celebration will not be complete if anything should go wrong at the later part of childbirth. It is vital for each upcoming mum to be ready and take charge from the early stage of pregnancy. If that isn’t done, it could end up in trying to choose between the mother’s life and that of the baby – either the mother dying or the baby dying. Why should that be the case when both (the mother and the baby) could have lived? So, there’s actually a war, but you can win! Knowing what the battle entails is already half way the victory as that will help you get better prepared. FACT... Everybody agrees that the greatest job any woman has with pregnancy is not about ‘Getting Pregnant’ It is about ‘Giving Birth’... That’s why it gives the most concern when that time starts approaching. I have found that it’s very natural to be afraid of a definite task ahead when you know you aren’t prepared (or prepared enough) for the task. You'll hear people say that the worse pain for any woman to go through is childbirth. That is very true, and the reason is simply that many don't prepare for it. So, there's every reason to have ‘tokophobia’ – the fear associated with childbirth. But childbirth can be easy! Isn’t it reasonable to think that if there are people who have had it easy with childbirth, then others can learn their secrets so they can enjoy the same? So, the question now is, how do one find out their secrets? That is what we are here to learn. When you know the exact thing to do, you will prepare better without wasting time and effort in trial and error. And the better you prepare for childbirth the more your confidence grows as your EDD approaches. Remember, we are talking about important facts you need to know. And the first I mentioned is that: ...Chances Are Quite High That A Woman Will Have A Tear Or Get An Episiotomy Whether Or Not It's Her First Childbirth, And Whether Or Not She Has Had It Previously I also told you that over 50,000 pregnant women in Nigeria lose their lives yearly to childbirth complications, making the Country one of the most dangerous places in the world to give birth. In fact, I will be surprised if you haven’t heard of anybody you know that has been a victim. So here is a summary of the joint report by W.H.O, UNICEF and World Bank. It revealed that in 2015 alone 58,000 Nigerian women lost their lives to childbirth and pregnancy related causes. To clear any doubt, here is the breakdown. "Every single day, Nigeria loses about 145 women of childbearing age, making her the second largest contributor to the maternal mortality rate in the world, according to UNICEF". PURCHASE THIS COURSE NOW Birth Without Injuries – Your Guide to a Safer Birth Experience! Unlock a world of knowledge and empowerment with "Birth Without Injuries." This course is your companion on the journey to a safer and more positive childbirth. Make informed decisions tailored to your preferences and well-being. "Birth Without Injuries" equips you with strategies to navigate labor and delivery confidently. This course offers evidence-based guidance, covering everything from pain management to effective communication with healthcare providers. Embrace a holistic understanding of childbirth, addressing both physical and emotional aspects. Prepare yourself for the transformative experience ahead. Gain inspiration from real women who have achieved injury-free births. Their stories will motivate you to embrace your unique journey. Elevate your childbirth experience today! Order "Birth Without Injuries" and step into a world of safer, more empowered birthing. This course has all the approaches in avoiding EPISIOTOMY and VAGINAL TEAR. Buy this course today to avoid Injuries during birth and promote safe deliveries today. This course is just for 10,000 naira and will only be available on that price for the first 20 people, then it will go back to its original price. Remember, your birth story is worth celebrating – let "Birth Without Injuries" guide you toward a safer and more joyous experience. Embrace the journey with confidence! More details → ₦ 10,000Buy now More Details BIRTH WITHOUT INJURIES (How To Give Birth Naturally Without Episiotomy or Vaginal Tear) Revealing Two Most Important Things You Must Do Back Home And Other Two To Do At Your Next And Last Visit To The Hospital And You'll Be So Sure To Push Out Your Baby Easily Without Cuts, Tear Or Episiotomy NOT LESS THAN 58,000 NIGERIAN PREGNANT WOMEN LOSE THEIR LIVES YEARLY TO CHILDBIRTH AND PREGNANCY RELATED CAUSES Are you pregnant, about to conceive or of child bearing age? Then you need to know these important facts to better prepare against unfortunate times during delivery: In Nigeria, chances are quite high that a woman will have a tear or get an episiotomy whether or not it's her first childbirth, and whether or not she has had it previously. A lady commented on one of my posts not too long ago and said: “…THEY have succeeded in giving me episiotomy two consecutive times in my two childbirths. I just pray I retain my pride and confidence as a woman and wife.” To this lady, the nurses and midwives are to be blamed for her situation. Thus she wrote: "THEY have succeeded in giving me episiotomy two consecutive times...". The truth is, if you don't know and do your part well to prepare you may still get injuries though the nurses and the midwives should try their best.NGN Choose your preferred Currency USD ($) GBP (£) GHS (GH¢) KES (KSh) ZAR (R) TZS (TSh) UGX (USh) XAF (CFA) XOF (CFA) RWF (R₣) DIM FRANKLIN Store Home → Your Account A Dashboard Purchases Logout Search What are you looking for? Flowers Search BIRTH WITHOUT INJURIES D DIM FRANKLIN BIRTH WITHOUT INJURIES (How To Give Birth Naturally Without Episiotomy or Vaginal Tear) Revealing Two Most Important Things You Must Do Back Home And Other Two To Do At Your Next And Last Visit To The Hospital And You'll Be So Sure To Push Out Your Baby Easily Without Cuts, Tear Or Episiotomy NOT LESS THAN 58,000 NIGERIAN PREGNANT WOMEN LOSE THEIR LIVES YEARLY TO CHILDBIRTH AND PREGNANCY RELATED CAUSES Are you pregnant, about to conceive or of child bearing age? Then you need to know these important facts to better prepare against unfortunate times during delivery: In Nigeria, chances are quite high that a woman will have a tear or get an episiotomy whether or not it's her first childbirth, and whether or not she has had it previously. A lady commented on one of my posts not too long ago and said: “…THEY have succeeded in giving me episiotomy two consecutive times in my two childbirths. I just pray I retain my pride and confidence as a woman and wife.” To this lady, the nurses and midwives are to be blamed for her situation. Thus she wrote: "THEY have succeeded in giving me episiotomy two consecutive times...". The truth is, if you don't know and do your part well to prepare you may still get injuries though the nurses and the midwives should try their best. Another lady still wrote this one that aches my heart each time I remember it: 3 REASONS GIVING BIRTH IN NIGERIA IS RISKY #1. SHORTAGE OF WORKERS With a few hands on ground and a long queue of pregnant women waiting to be attended to, the available nurses and midwives have to do whatever is convenient to still meet up. Thus, giving you an episiotomy with a sharp blade would be an easier option for them while you bear the damages. Sometimes the only staff on ground is the one that lacks experience as to what exactly needs to be done. Isn’t that enough reason you should try to know what to expect so you can tell when they are playing games with your life and stop them? Of course, a major reason for shortage of workers is that the hospital wants to pay few workers to possibly still make more profit. That's for private owned facilities. Then, for government hospitals, it is mostly that the staff are not often at their duty post. #2. LACK OF SPACE FACILITY In most maternity centres where space is lacking the nurses and midwives are also left with no better option than that which saves time and space, so they can quickly discharge you to attend to others. As a result, they don't exercise the patience to see you deliver naturally and safely. And even after giving the episiotomy, most of the times, there are no materials readily on ground to repair the wound. Worse also is that the right person to do the suturing may not even be available. That further exposes the woman to more danger of infection and other complications. Episiotomy; cutting mother's vagina to facilitate childbirth. #3. LACK OF EQUIPMENT This is another big issue – either that the equipment is not available or that the available one is not functional. Why on earth will a hospital know they aren’t ready, yet they are admitting patients – to waste two lives (mother and child). Isn’t that a death trap? I was reading an article the other time on the website of the NIGERIAN HEALTH WATCH, and it was about a man that the wife gave birth with injuries and the hospital didn’t have this common drug to control the bleeding. By the time the man returned from where he went to check for the drug, the wife had passed on. The worse part was that the man left the matter to go like that because he felt that even if he should take a legal action, it will still be both waste of time and resources. But he could have tried! So, it shouldn’t be a surprise why Nigeria is among the top 4 countries with the highest maternal death estimated at 58,000 yearly, and about 150 daily. These are women dying only from childbirth cases. Most people working in the hospitals have seen a number of people die that the thought of the next person dying doesn’t move them at all. HOW A HIGH RATED HOSPITAL ALMOST POISONED ME AND MY FIRST BABY I will never forget in my first pregnancy back in 2016 how my husband warned me never to use any drug they would give me at antenatal until he had seen it and confirmed that it was okay. He is a manager in a pharmacy company, so I believed he knew what he was talking about. Then one Tuesday I went for antenatal and they gave me one antimalarial medication. I quickly called my husband if I should go ahead and take it since he wasn’t going to return home early. But he insisted I don’t. Finally, he returned and looked at the drug and was like, “This batch of the drug has already expired since 2014”. This is now 2016 and the expiration date on the drug reads 2019. You can imagine! I didn’t believe until he brought it out from the pack and it was clear that they had cut off the part they wrote the expiration date on the Sachet. The next morning, he went to his office and got the current batch of the drug that hasn’t expired and showed me. Then, by Thursday that same week, he went with me to the hospital to confront them. And trust my husband, he first came in calmly as though he was making enquiry, but he was recording the moment. When everything was now obvious, they started begging, saying it was the guy that supplied them the drug that played that fast one on them. It’s just that I begged him to forgo, otherwise, the hospital would had faced being shut down. But what touched me most that day was a woman we met at the entrance of the hospital who was already leaving, and seeing she had the hospital bag, I approached her to see if they gave her that same expired drug. And right there was the same expired drug in her bag. I finished telling her why we came and she ignored us and left with the drug. I wonder what she was thinking. Except God had intervened, the life of that woman or her child or both would have been endangered. Likewise many others who got the expired drug before we came to stop the hospital from giving it out. So we are not just talking about lacking the necessary drugs or apparatus, but how sound such are if available. You now see why most of your leaders would travel out to get their health needs. You may not have such money and privilege to do like them, but there is something you can comfortably do that works perfectly. It’s indeed a thing of joy if you are pregnant and should be celebrated. But the celebration will not be complete if anything should go wrong at the later part of childbirth. It is vital for each upcoming mum to be ready and take charge from the early stage of pregnancy. If that isn’t done, it could end up in trying to choose between the mother’s life and that of the baby – either the mother dying or the baby dying. Why should that be the case when both (the mother and the baby) could have lived? So, there’s actually a war, but you can win! Knowing what the battle entails is already half way the victory as that will help you get better prepared. FACT... Everybody agrees that the greatest job any woman has with pregnancy is not about ‘Getting Pregnant’ It is about ‘Giving Birth’... That’s why it gives the most concern when that time starts approaching. I have found that it’s very natural to be afraid of a definite task ahead when you know you aren’t prepared (or prepared enough) for the task. You'll hear people say that the worse pain for any woman to go through is childbirth. That is very true, and the reason is simply that many don't prepare for it. So, there's every reason to have ‘tokophobia’ – the fear associated with childbirth. But childbirth can be easy! Isn’t it reasonable to think that if there are people who have had it easy with childbirth, then others can learn their secrets so they can enjoy the same? So, the question now is, how do one find out their secrets? That is what we are here to learn. When you know the exact thing to do, you will prepare better without wasting time and effort in trial and error. And the better you prepare for childbirth the more your confidence grows as your EDD approaches. Remember, we are talking about important facts you need to know. And the first I mentioned is that: ...Chances Are Quite High That A Woman Will Have A Tear Or Get An Episiotomy Whether Or Not It's Her First Childbirth, And Whether Or Not She Has Had It Previously I also told you that over 50,000 pregnant women in Nigeria lose their lives yearly to childbirth complications, making the Country one of the most dangerous places in the world to give birth. In fact, I will be surprised if you haven’t heard of anybody you know that has been a victim. So here is a summary of the joint report by W.H.O, UNICEF and World Bank. It revealed that in 2015 alone 58,000 Nigerian women lost their lives to childbirth and pregnancy related causes. To clear any doubt, here is the breakdown. "Every single day, Nigeria loses about 145 women of childbearing age, making her the second largest contributor to the maternal mortality rate in the world, according to UNICEF". PURCHASE THIS COURSE NOW Birth Without Injuries – Your Guide to a Safer Birth Experience! Unlock a world of knowledge and empowerment with "Birth Without Injuries." This course is your companion on the journey to a safer and more positive childbirth. Make informed decisions tailored to your preferences and well-being. "Birth Without Injuries" equips you with strategies to navigate labor and delivery confidently. This course offers evidence-based guidance, covering everything from pain management to effective communication with healthcare providers. Embrace a holistic understanding of childbirth, addressing both physical and emotional aspects. Prepare yourself for the transformative experience ahead. Gain inspiration from real women who have achieved injury-free births. Their stories will motivate you to embrace your unique journey. Elevate your childbirth experience today! Order "Birth Without Injuries" and step into a world of safer, more empowered birthing. This course has all the approaches in avoiding EPISIOTOMY and VAGINAL TEAR. Buy this course today to avoid Injuries during birth and promote safe deliveries today. This course is just for 10,000 naira and will only be available on that price for the first 20 people, then it will go back to its original price. Remember, your birth story is worth celebrating – let "Birth Without Injuries" guide you toward a safer and more joyous experience. Embrace the journey with confidence! More details → ₦ 10,000Buy now More Details BIRTH WITHOUT INJURIES (How To Give Birth Naturally Without Episiotomy or Vaginal Tear) Revealing Two Most Important Things You Must Do Back Home And Other Two To Do At Your Next And Last Visit To The Hospital And You'll Be So Sure To Push Out Your Baby Easily Without Cuts, Tear Or Episiotomy NOT LESS THAN 58,000 NIGERIAN PREGNANT WOMEN LOSE THEIR LIVES YEARLY TO CHILDBIRTH AND PREGNANCY RELATED CAUSES Are you pregnant, about to conceive or of child bearing age? Then you need to know these important facts to better prepare against unfortunate times during delivery: In Nigeria, chances are quite high that a woman will have a tear or get an episiotomy whether or not it's her first childbirth, and whether or not she has had it previously. A lady commented on one of my posts not too long ago and said: “…THEY have succeeded in giving me episiotomy two consecutive times in my two childbirths. I just pray I retain my pride and confidence as a woman and wife.” To this lady, the nurses and midwives are to be blamed for her situation. Thus she wrote: "THEY have succeeded in giving me episiotomy two consecutive times...". The truth is, if you don't know and do your part well to prepare you may still get injuries though the nurses and the midwives should try their best.lear


By Franklin Dim

(Joined Selloff since: 9 months ago)



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